When my grandad was 58, he was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. The issue was he had actually had diabetes for a number of years prior and having high blood sugar levels had started causing damage to his eyes and kidneys. He had had symptoms of diabetes however like many people he thought they were just a part of getting old. He was passing more urine and tired more easily. He loved to garden and found when he cut himself it took longer to heal. His vision was blurry despite wearing his glasses. These are classic signs of Type 2 Diabetes.

Our sedentary lifestyle has led to an increase in type 2 diabetes. Typically, it was usually diagnosed in people over 45 years old, and for our indigenous peoples at 35, nowadays we have people in their early 20s being diagnosed.  The fact is that in 58% of cases type 2 diabetes is a preventable chronic disease.

People at risk of type 2 diabetes can delay and even prevent the condition by:

*  Maintaining a healthy weight, carrying extra fat around the waist is a big risk factor

*  Regular physical activity

*  Making healthy food choices

*  Managing blood pressure

*  Managing cholesterol levels

*  Not smoking

There are screening tools to help identify your risk of diabetes. Talk to your GP or your local pharmacist as they may have a screening program at their pharmacy.

At Pharmacy for Life we can help you determine your risk.  Call in for your Free Diabetes Risk assessment and have a chat to out Pharmacist about your results. No finger prick or blood required, however, we can check your blood sugar levels during the consultation if you wish.

Diabetes - What's the big deal?

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