The recent bush fires are a timely reminder that we always need to be prepared. With Fire, unlike a cyclone or flood, there is often less time to plan and prepare for an event or evacuation.

If you take regular medication it is essential that you are always prepared. The first thing is knowing what medications you take. Recently my uncle arrived from NZ and had forgotten his medications. He thought that telling me he took one green tablet and 2 white tablets for his heart would be enough. He now has a written medication list that he keeps in his wallet. 

Getting your pharmacist to sit down with you and creating a printed medication list is a great start. Ask your pharmacist about a Medscheck. 

Another option is having it stored on an electronic platform. At Pharmacy for Life we encourage our customers to use myPharmacyLink – which also has a lot of other helpful features. Accessing your ”My Health Record” should also have your medication history.

Keeping all your regular medication in a readily accessible container or Dose Administration Aid - prepared by your pharmacy will make it easier if you have to evacuate quickly. This should be one of the essential things to grab as evacuation centers or your friends won’t have your medications there for you. 

Don’t forget medications that you might keep in the fridge such as insulin. You should have 3-7 days of medications with you.

Queensland is twice as likely as other states to experience a natural disaster. Make sure you are “medication” prepared. 

Our team at Pharmacy for Life is ready to help.

Are you prepared for the next disaster?

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Dicky Beach, Maroochy Waters, Wurtulla & Nambour Heights!

Better advice for a healthier life!


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